Michigan Beverage Collective allows you to build a customized benefits package through an extensive array of cost-effective coverage options and plan designs, along with outstanding personalized service and simplified administration.
Plan design
The Michigan Beverage Collective offers seven traditional medical plans, five high deductible health plans, three HMO network options, and one Medicare Supplement. Each medical plan has embedded prescription drug coverage; five options are available to mix and match. The flexibility provided by the Collective is unmatched with eight deductible options, four dental plans available, and four vision plans to choose from.
Plan Implementation
With the Michigan Beverage Collective’s a la carte program structure, you are the architect. Choose which benefits will work best for your employees. Once the employee benefit plan has been designed and any other products or services procured, staff takes a hands-on approach to execution. Our goal is to exceed employer expectations of productivity and performance.
For decades the Michigan Beverage Collective has been a reliable and cost-effective source of insurance coverage for member employers. That kind of sustainable history is a rare occurrence. We provide ongoing support and maintenance of all programs. Each participating employer receives personalized, knowledgeable assistance throughout program participation.